The Below Information Has Been Provided From Our Gun Caliber Dictionary And Is Meant For Informational Purposes Only. It Is Not Intended to Describe The Unique Specifications For This Ammunition.
Introduced by Federal in 2007, the 327 Federal Magnum is by far the most powerful 32-caliber revolver (or handgun) cartridge. It uses a long 1.2-inch case with a .312-inch bullet; with 100-grain bullets at 1400 feet per second and and 115-grain bullets at 1300 fps it exceeds all .38 Special loads in velocity and energy, and intrudes into 357 Magnum territory. The 327 Federal Magnum performs this magic at much higher pressure--more than double that of the 32 H&R Magnum. It is thus very unsafe to chamber 327 Federal Magnum in any other 32-caliber revolver, and its longer case length will generally prevent that from being possible. Although under-powered for deer-sized game, the 327 Federal Magnum is flat-shooting and hard-hitting for game up to coyotes, and a potent personal defense cartridge. — Craig Boddington