The Featherweight has an angled comb walnut stock with Schnabelfore-end and satin finish with elegant cut checkering. It will be offered in popular long and short action calibers, including WSM chambering.
Features :
- Action: Bolt Action
- Barrel Length: 24"
- Capacity: 3 + 1
- Trigger: Adjustable
- Safety: Three Position
- Drop: 1 1/2" @ Comb & 2 1/2" @ Heel
- Caliber: 325 WSM
- Length: 42 1/2 "
- Weight: 6 3/4 lbs
- Stock: Walnut
- Finish: Blued Steel
325 WSM, No Sights
Caliber Dictionary
The Below Information Has Been Provided From Our Gun Caliber Dictionary And Is Meant For Informational Purposes Only. It Is Not Intended to Describe The Unique Specifications For This Ammunition.
The 325 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) was introduced in 2004 as the fourth and final member of the WSM family. It is a true 8mm firing a .323-inch bullet, thus one of few domestic 8mms--a bullet diameter that has never been popular in America. With its short, fat case and ability to be housed in short actions the 325 WSM has all the attributes of the other short magnums, plus is a real little powerhouse, propelling a 180-grain bullet at 3060 feet per second, a 200-grain bullet at 2950, and a 220-grain bullet at 2840. It is thus a fine choice for elk and moose, and perhaps a better choice for the full run of African plains game than 7mm or 30-caliber cartridges. The 325 WSM has not become really popular, but it's a fine and versatile cartridge. Winchester remains the only source of ammunition, but several manufacturers offer 325 WSM rifles. — Craig Boddington